Acupuncture and WHO


Digestive system

  1. Diahorrea

  2. Constipation

  3. General stomach ache

  4. Colic

  5. Vomiting - nausea

  6. Food allergies

  7. Herpes zoster

Respiratory problems

  1. Fever and chills

  2. Sinusitis

  3. Hay fever

  4. Shortness of breath

  5. Tightness in chest area

  6. Bronchitis

  7. Ear infections

  8. Cold and flu

  9. Cough

  10. Asthma and allergy

  11. Pneumonia

Infectuous diseases

  1. Poor immune system - feeling exhausted

  2. Laryngitis

  3. Conjunctivitis

  4. Ear infection - Otitis media


  1. Headache - migraine

  2. High blood pressure

  3. Dizziness

  4. Allergy

  5. Night sweats

  6. Leg cramps - cramps in general

  7. Growing pain

  8. Rash

  9. Eczema

  10. Hyperactivity

  11. ADHD

  12. Bed wetting

  13. Urinary tract infection

  14. Tinnitus

The World Health Organization (WHO) mentions over forty conditions that can be treated effectively with acupuncture. Among these are the following:

Mental and emotional conditions

  1. Anxiety

  2. Depression

  3. Insomnia

  4. Chronic fatigue

  5. Poor energy

  6. Grief

  7. Shock

  8. Fear

  9. Irritation/frustration

  10. Worry


  1. PMS

  2. IVF

  3. Menopausal problems

  4. Div. menstrual problems

  5. Urinary tract infection

Muscle- and skeletal problems

  1. Back- and neck ache

  2. Ischiatis

  3. Muscle cramps

  4. Tendinitis

  5. Fibromyalgia

  6. Whiplash related problems

  7. Arthritis

  8. Tennis elbow

  9. Mouse arm

  10. Knee pain

Research has shown that acupuncture can aid in a more rapid recovery after sports injuries or accidents because of its effective pain and inflammation depressant qualities.

Pregnancy and post pregnancy

  1. Nausea

  2. Turn breech baby

  3. Ripening of the cervix

  4. Pelvic- back pain

  5. Cervical problems


  1. Colic