Acupuncture during pregnancy


There are a number of pregnancy complaints that can be eased effectively by acupuncture. Some of these are morning sickness, symphysis pubis dysfunction, turning a breech baby and low energy. During the post natal period conditions such as mastitis, poor milk production and depression are the most common conditions to treat. In addition, acupuncture has a proven affect on maturing the cervix before birth as well as offering pain relief during birth.

Acupuncture treatment during pregnancy benefits both mother and child. The baby’s vital organs are developed at specific stages in pregnancy. During gestation the baby can be affected by toxins in the mother, something which in childhood years can lead to a proneness to higher fevers when ill, more frequent illnesses and a tendency to suffer skin problems like rashes and eczema. Regular treatment throughout pregnancy balances the mother’s health to the benefit of the fetus and also helps in preventing complications.

Below is a list of problems that can be relieved during pregnancy

  1. Nausea/vomiting

  2. Acid reflux

  3. Constipation

  4. Urinary tract infections

  5. Exhaustion

  6. Poor blood quality

  7. Sleep disturbance

  8. Anxiety and depression

  9. Abnormal vaginal discharge

  10. Itching

  11. Sinusitis

  12. High blood pressure

  13. Edema - water retention

  14. Turning breach baby

  15. Ripening of the cervix

  16. Recuperating after giving birth

  17. Poor lactation

  18. Trigger point treatment of neck, stiff from breast feeding / carrying